Top 10 Quotes from “Failosophy", a Book by Elizabeth Day

Tara Ainun Adila
2 min readSep 18, 2021

The last two weeks of summer I read 2 books, fictions and non fictions. The first one was "It Ends with Us" by Colleen Hoover and the second one was "Failosophy" by Elizabeth Day.

Honestly, I bought Failosophy solely because of its cute cover. Lucky for me, the book is nicely written to summarize the key messages of Elizabeth Day's podcast "How to Fail". Right now, I want to share some of my favorites quotes from the book. Enjoy!

1. "I firmly cling to the belief that the universe is unfolding exactly as is intended and that although we, as imperfect humans, can't hope to understand it all at the time, life will generally teach us the lessons we need to learn if we are open to the possibility". - Elizabeth Day, Pg.4, Paragraph 3

2. "We will fail. The question is whether we can fail gracefully and also whether we can learn something from that experience." - Haemin Sunim, Pg. 28

3. "The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it" - Eckhart Tole, Pg. 39

4. "If we are able, as much as possible, to remove both fear and ego when we encounter crisis, we will see failure more clearly for what it is: not as something that defines us, but as a missing piece of knowledge that helps us come closer to completing the jigsaw puzzle of who we truly are". Elizabeth Day, Pg. 75

5. "If we feel ashamed of something that has gone wrong, or defined negatively by a mistake we have made, the antidote is openness. It’s always a surprise to discover how many other people have felt the same way". Elizabeth Day, Pg. 92

6. "The more honest I am, and the more I put out that is authentically me, the less fear I have" - Fearne Cotton. Pg. 94

7. "The most personal is the most universal". Charly Cox. Pg. 99

8. "Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should". Max Ehrmann 1927 prose poem 'Desiderata’ as quoted in the book

9. "...we can fail and still be at peace. That we can believe things will work out for the best also coming to terms with the fact that our understanding of the world is imperfect and that, whatever happens, if we work enough on our strength, our resilience and our acceptance of failure, we will be all right. More than all right, in fact. We will be fully realised people who understand that life is neither wholly good nor wholly bad, but a miraculous collage of myriad different experiences which we can strive to meet equally with grace." Elizabeth Day, Pg. 117

10. "Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour" Truman Capote, Pg. 123

